9.2. Checking PocketPC restoration

To be safe, you can check that PocketPC restoration worked successfully. You must launch the iTask manager by pushing the iTask button at the front lower right corner of the unit. Tap on the "iTask" icon at the lower left corner of the window that will appear. In the menu that will open, tap on the "Self Test" menu entry. Check at least the "ROM checksum" box and tap on the "Next" button.

In the new screen that will open, check the "Perform automatic Reset" checkbox and tap on the "Start" button.

Answer all the questions and verify that the "ROM checksum test Passed" line appears. If not, try reflashing PocketPC using the procedure above.

Tap on the "Finish" button and save a log of the test if you wish so, then tap on the "Ok" at the top right of the screen.